Google Code Prettify - 輕量級的語法上色工具

星期四, 6月 14, 2018

ORACLE discoverer “failed to update system registry, please try using regedit”

There are two possible solutions:
1)Add the user to Power Users or Administrator group.

2)Grant full control privilege on the following registry to Users group:
1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Oracle
2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes
– .DIS
– Dis.Document
– Discoverer.Application
– CLSID{470A152C-5FC1-11D1-A434-0000F8AE4944}
– CLSID{AD7CE4E0-C391-11CE-9C10-08002BE52B53}

This second solution usually works; however it is not a supported solution.
It is recommended that you backup the registry before apply any change.”

Win 10 的解決方法

setacl -on HKCR\Dis.Document -ot reg -actn ace -ace ";p:full"  -rec yes
setacl -on HKCR\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{470A152C-5FC1-11D1-A434-0000F8AE4944} -ot reg -actn ace -ace ";p:full" -rec yes
setacl -on HKCR\WOW6432Node\CLSID\{AD7CE4E0-C391-11CE-9C10-08002BE52B53} -ot reg -actn ace -ace ";p:full" -rec yes

PS:  Win10 即使User是屬於administrator群組,預設也是不會用administrator權限開啟程式
安裝Windows 10後,除了Administrator帳戶被停用外,管理員核准模式也是被停用的,所以要解決此問題,必須進入本機的安全性原則來調整設定,故按下〔視窗鍵〕+〔R〕來開啟「執行」的對話視窗,並在輸入欄內填入「secpol.msc /s」後按下〔確定〕鈕。當開啟「本機安全性原則」視窗後,請選按【本機原則】→【安全性選項】來展開,在視窗右邊找到「使用者帳戶控制:內建的Administrator帳戶的管理員核准模式」,發現其預設值是「已停用」。直接按下「使用者帳戶控制:內建的Administrator帳戶的管理員核准模式」來開啟對話視窗,選擇「已啟用」並按下〔確定〕。