Google Code Prettify - 輕量級的語法上色工具

星期日, 8月 09, 2015

用 Windows 格式化 MAC 格式化過的 USB

清除USB資料 (MAC紀錄)
  • Connect your disk.
  • Run cmd as an Administrator.
  • Run diskpart.exe. Use ? if you need help in this program.
  • list disk
  • Find the disk that corresponds to your USB disk. select disk n where n is the number of the disk. Confirm that you're using the right disk with detail disk.
  • clean (Warning: This command erases the disk's partition information. Any data on the disk will no longer be accessible.)

  • 格式化
  • create partition primary. No size is needed if you want to use the whole disk
  • active. Optional. Marks the partition as potentially bootable.
  • format fs=fat32 quick. You can choose NTFS or exFAT instead of FAT32 if you want.
  • assign. Assigns the disk a drive letter.
  • exit to quit.